フレキシブル制4,840円(税込)/45分 [英語レッスン可]
相愛高校音楽科、相愛大学音楽学部器楽学科ヴァイオリン専攻を小栗まち絵に師事し卒業。 在学中、斎藤奨学金を授与。 宝塚市「松本・土井アイリン海外留学助成基金」より助成を受け、ウィーン国立音大にて Prof.Edward Zienkowskiのクラスで研鑽を積み、2007年2.Diplom 取得卒業。
2008年9月から2022年7月までQatar Philharmonic Orchestra(カタール国立交響楽団)にて2nd Violin Co Principal(首席代理)奏者として創立より14年間在籍し、カタール・ドーハを拠点に音楽活動を行う。 ロリン・マゼールやドミトリー・キタエンコ等 有名指揮者達と何度も協演。
2006年PasificMusicFestivalオーケストラコースに奨学生として参加。J.Kreizberg,V.Gergievら世界的指揮者と協演。2007年Münchner SymphonikerのPraktikumオーディション合格。
これまでにヴァイオリンを川瀬まりこ、工藤千博、小栗まち絵、田辺良子、岸辺百々雄、Edward Zienkowski、Stephan Picard、バロックヴァイオリンを中山裕一、室内楽を斎藤建寛、小栗まち絵、岸辺百々雄、Johannes Meissl(Artis-Quartett), Peter Matzka(RSO コンサートマスター)、Marialena Ahluwalia-Fernandesの各氏に師事。
Violin, Ruriko YAMAMOTO
Ruriko has lots of international experiences as a violinist from her experiences which spent time in Europe and Middle East for 18 years.
She was a official member of Qatar Philharmonic Orchestra as a 2nd violin Co-Principal since the founding of the orchestra since 2008 for 14 years. During the music experience in QPO,
Ruriko has performed numerous concerts with historical Maestros such as Lorin Maazel, Dmitri Kitajenko, Gerd Albrecht etc.
October 2022, she has started her new career based in Japan with her family.
Ruriko has super excited about her new chapter of her life in Japan after 18 years and is planning to challenge not only music related things, but also completely new things as well!
Ruriko is a trilingual with Japanese, English(TOEIC score 845) and German and able to give lessons with all 3 languages if needed,
Ruriko has received Saito-scholarship and graduated from Music faculty at Soai University under Prof. Machie Oguri. As well she has received the Matsumoto-Doi Airin grant for foreign study by
Takarazuka city of Hyogo and graduated from University of music and performing arts Vienna under Prof. Edward Zienkowski.
Participant of Pacific Music Festival(PMF) 2006. Performed with Valery Gergiev, J. Kreizberg.
won the audition at Münchner Symphoniker.
Ruriko is a guest player in several professional orchestra in Japan as Modern and Barock violin player.
studied with Mariko Kawase, Chihiro Kudo, Machie Oguri, Ryoko Tanabe, Momoo Kishibe, Edward Zienkowski, Stephan Picard.
Barock violin study with Yuichi Nakayama, Chamber music study with Tatsuo Saito, Machie Oguri, Momoo Kishibe, Johannes Meissl(Artis-Quartett), Peter Matzka(concertmaster at RSO),
Marialena Ahluwalia-Fernandes.